I imagine that many of you are feeling the ill effects of the snow and ice; we pray that God will work in your circumstances for your good and His glory.
A very integral part of our FastBreak and Getaway conferences is the well-planned outreach opportunities for all the students to share their faith with people in the local community, such as sharing on the beach, at a mall, in neighborhoods. This is a great step of faith for many students, and they are greatly encouraged when they see God work in the hearts of people they talk to. They are also encouraged to hear the victory stories shared by their peers at the conference’s evening session.
Below is a story about students meeting people’s physical needs and also being used by God to meet their spiritual needs. Thankfully, God uses our plans and the willing hearts of students to do His good work.
Thank you for being part of God’s good work!
God is the One at Work
by brian and erin clark, SV staff Indianapolis, IN
On the Sunday afternoon of our FastBreak in Kalamazoo, MI while half the group went skiing, the other half visited homes to give out our Boxes of Love (food and gifts) and to pray for people. I was so proud of the three girls I went with! Carly shared her testimony and God's love with Jessica (in brown). Julie and Grace prayed for Sarah, who is still displaced from Hurricane Katrina and going home next month! Then at the last apartment we went to, Bernard opened more than just the front door—he also opened the door of his heart to Christ as well! God is the one who does everything in a person’s heart, yet it was easy to see that the girls were awed that God could use them as they stepped out in faith. What is more exciting in life?!
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