One of the joys and goals of our ministry is to have our involved students share their testimonies with their peers. It is a great step of faith for them and they grow in their walk with God as they see Him use their stories to touch hearts. Students are also inclined to listen to their peers, so it is a “win” for everyone.
Thank you, thank you for partnering with us to give these students opportunities to see God at work!
God at work
by Chris McClelland with SV Cincinnati, OH
On Wednesdays I’ve been meeting with a group of freshmen at Talawanda High. Most of these guys played football this fall and are now coming to a weekly Bible Study / Follow-up Group.
Last week I took the freshmen guys to a cemetery. We found the youngest person to die (2 months old) and oldest (102 years) and then I asked the guys how long they expect to live. Alex said 50 years; Drew said at least 100. We talked about how our lives are a mist that appears for a while then vanishes. I challenged the guys to make their days on earth count by investing their time in things that are going to last for eternity.
Later, some of the freshmen students involved in SV hosted a Pizza Party Outreach (with a 29 inch pizza!) for the Freshmen Basketball team. Eleven of the 13 guys on the team came and had a blast as they played “knockout”, answered trivia questions for prizes, and ate a huge pizza. Sam & Alex told the guys why they like Student Venture, and Drew explained how to begin a relationship with God. Two of the basketball players, Sam H and Trevor, indicated on their comment cards that they asked Jesus to come into their lives after Drew shared the gospel. Pretty cool!
Pray for Sam H. & Trevor as well as the other freshmen. We’ll be getting together every Wednesday after school.
Jesus Film Digital Strategies, Cru | Campus Crusade for Christ, Executive Producer of #FallingPlates, Director of strategy, Providing leadership, technology and strategy to offer follow-up pathways to anyone in any language.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Changed Lives :: XBox

Below is the story of a young man who opened his heart to Christ through technology. While some of us older folks aren’t technologically savvy, it is second nature to young people. It is so exciting to see God reach students using a method that is a major influence in their lives!
Thank you, thank you for being obedient to God’s direction in your life and for your support of Student Venture. You are appreciated!
God is even in technology
by Kevin Bowers, SV staff in Greater Oklahoma
I have been a technology guru of sorts for all my life - looking for ways to maximize and leverage technology to spread the Gospel. This past week God did something I never could have expected with what started as a video game chat with one of our high school students. The XBox video system allows people across the world to play games with others they don't even know. It's really a fascinating way to meet others and interact over time with even the same people, if you so desire. I'm not a gamer, but this is definitely unique.
Recently Brian (pictured above) began a discussion with a 19-year-old student, Adam, at the University of North Dakota.
Over time, they began to build rapport by playing online games together, and Brian took the initiative to share some personal things which led Adam to do the same. Later, Adam shared about some personal struggles and Brian took the opportunity to share Christ with Adam! Ironically, we had literally just gone over a specific training on how to share your faith! It was good that Brian listened.
During that conversation, Adam prayed and invited Christ into his life!
I took the chance to look up Adam on FaceBook, and we have also become friends. Here is an unsolicited response Adam sent me:
"Hey there Kevin! Yeah, I am amazed at the person that I found over a video game! (Brian) He is an amazing, intelligent guy who has been nothing but nice to me. It has been nice to connect with people who really do care about you and I am continuously surprised." Adam ended with this, "I hope to grow and learn much more through you, Brian, and Him! Thank you!"
Who would have ever guessed that a younger student could lead someone to Jesus over a video game?
Monday, March 09, 2009
Changed Lives :: NY Giants, David Tyree wide receiver :: New York

At a recent football “team talk” in NYC, David Tyree (wide receiver for 2008 Super Bowl champs, the NYC Giants) spoke of his life with Christ.
Because these kinds of outreach meetings are held in the school, we can’t have an open invitation to receive Christ. However, our local Student Venture staff member, Kevin Young, had the opportunity to tell the students about Student Venture and invited the students to get involved. Kevin and the NYC staff members will follow up with the students in the coming weeks. At these follow up meetings a clear gospel presentation is usually given with an opportunity for the students to respond.
Kevin also reported that one of the coaches said that God spoke to him during the meeting. Students are our focus when we hold these outreaches, but God can - and does - reach anyone hearing His message!
Your partnership helps make talks like this possible all across the country – we thank you!
God uses a football hero
by Kevin and Janette Young, SV staff in New York City
The room was stuffed tight with over 100 Grand Street Wolves Football players, and as we stepped into the room, it erupted. David Tryee is the home town hero, the guy involved in the catch of the century, as some have called it. It led to the Giants’ Super Bowl victory. David said his favorite part of the whole season was the parade down Hero’s Canyon in downtown Manhattan where over a million jubilant fans skipped school and work to roar for their team!
I’ve been to many outreaches over the years, but none has compared to what David did in the 45 minutes he spoke. He talked their language, having himself grown up in the hood. The first words out of his mouth were that he loved Jesus Christ, and everything about his life was now centered in Him. He talked about the low points, and the high points, about mistakes and how Christ brought him out of the lowest hell he could possibly imagine. The young men in that room were riveted, not a word by anyone. He brought the gospel to them in all its simplicity and all its glory. Wow! The coach was ecstatic. The young men who have been tracking with us in our meetings---you could see their chests swell. It was the depth of the impact that was so apparent. Only the Holy Spirit could have fashioned that evening. He did it by indwelling a young man, sold out to His purposes. Your prayers make the difference!
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