FallingPlates.com - a short film about life, death, and love
What a privilege to get to partner with you in using social media to reach and influence the world for Christ.
At some point today, will you take 15 minutes to share the video via your social media sites.
Below: Simple Sharing Instructions...
At some point today, will you take 15 minutes to share the video via your social media sites.
Below: Simple Sharing Instructions...
Some examples of what you can say in any social network, comment, message
ADD this exact line of text at the end of every comment you use (link and hashtag): http://bit.ly/FallingPlatesVideo #FallingPlates
- Need to get right with God? http://bit.ly/FallingPlatesVideo #FallingPlates
- This just blew my mind. Everybody needs to watch
- #FallingPlates gets me every time, keeps you thinking.
- Still my favorite video on @youtube...
- Watch this and spread it
- You HAVE to watch this video! Besides, you can spare 4 minutes, right?
- Completely worth the 4 minutes to watch this. #truth #payattention
- I cried watching this! #truth
- The #Gospel in 4 minutes. Watch this video its amazing: #JesusisLord #Christ #Jesus #salvation
- Very inspirational
- Watch this - simple, short presentation of the Gospel like you’ve never heard it before
- Watch this!! Its awesome
- Have you seen this video yet? I bet it’s going to go viral.
- This is awesome!
- Wonder what Jesus thinks of you?
- Genius display of the gospel!
- This is so creative, I love it.
- Hey @PERSON’sTwitterAccount, I want you to watch this then I want to talk about it with you.
- Myan Calendar end of world 12-21-12? Then better watch:
- [video] Spectacular! watch:
- A video with heart and emotion:
Most of your sharing can be done from YouTube
After you watch the video,
Click the “Like” thumbs-up button
Click “Subscribe” button
Leave a comment in the comments section
Click “Post” to submit your comment
Click “Share” button to share it on other social networks
Click each of the icons for each social networks you use (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and lots more)
It is safe to log in with each of your social networks’ username and password for this process. It is secure and you are not authorizing YouTube to do anything beyond posting the contents you get to see prior to submitting.
Go to the groups you are part of and paste your status update and link there, too.
- Log in to your Facebook account
- Select one of the suggested pre-written comments
- Post a status update including the url to the video: http://bit.ly/FallingPlatesVideo
Go to the groups you are part of and paste your status update and link there, too.
- Log into your twitter account.
- Select one of the suggested pre-written comments
- Including the video’s link: http://bit.ly/FallingPlatesVideo
- And include the hashtag #FallingPlates
Retweet 4-5+ times throughout the day, using different wording.
Send a tweet or a direct message to the most influential tweeters that follow you saying (Replace @THEIRuSERnAME with the person’s actual username):
#FallingPlates @THEIRuSERnAME Could your team use this? Please watch 4min video & forward http://bit.ly/FallingPlatesVideo #TwitterStories
- Log in to pinterest
- Go to “Add +”
- Click “Add a Pin”
- Paste the video url: http://youtu.be/KGlx11BxF24
- Click “Find Images”
- Pick a “board” to pin it to, and add description
- Click “Pin It”
- Write a short blog post in your personal ministry blog. Just paste the “Embed code” for #FallingPlates in a new posting so your readers can watch the video within your blog and not have to leave
- Contact a few of these top bloggers and ask them to include #FallingPlates in their blog. Here is a list of the top 200 top ministry blogs: http://churchrelevance.com/resources/top-church-blogs/
- Send a friend a text messages asking to watch the video and say: Sometime I’d like to get your thoughts on this new video: http://bit.ly/FallingPlatesVideo
- Send link of the video, then few hours later text them saying “did u get 2 watch the video?”
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