Thank you for those who prayed for us. We are proud to announce the arrival of little Benjamin Walker Crutsinger
7 lbs, 12.5 oz
18.5 in long
9:52 AM
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Here are a few pictures of today’s excitement.
Mom is recovering just fine from her C-section.
Dad is wishing Outback Steakhouse had a delivery service to Florida Hospital Winter Park...
Laura - get well soon! We are so excited for you and think Benjamin is precious!
Love you guys!
Dean and Liz
well, we might just have to arrange some personal delivery to Fl Hosp. but I think since Laura is the only one that has done work today that only she should get some food.
Scott & Brenda
Grammy says...
You all look wonderful! Benjamin is the cutest! See his smile?!!!
Gramps and I are thankful, with tears, to the Lord...for all of His
kindness to us..to our children and to our children's children!
Love & Kisses...Grammy
Yeah, I've been praying for all of you... Glad all went well.
Its so nice Cooper will have a little brother.
Love, Bernadette
ps...The reviewers' anonymous is my bookclub blogsite...
Congrats Crutsingers! I can't believe you have two baby boys! I hope to see you all this summer at CSU (if your coming!)
Brooke Faulkner
Thanks for sharing the pics. Congrats to your family. We miss you guys!
Justin and Carrie
Ohhh, he's such a cutie! Congrats, Crutsingers!!!
Wow - the resemblance between Howard and Benjamin is remarkable! Especially the hair! Praise God! He is great and wonderful.....
Jack & Juanita Bragg
congrats to you both -- what a cute family you have!
Awesome, bodacacious, Ben looks sooooo cute. Looks like everything went smoothly...can't wait to see you guys again when we get back in town. Love, Larry & Amanda
What a blessing! Thank you so much for keeping me in the loop! I am so excited to hear that Benjamin has arrived! I miss Atlanta and you guys! Prayers for rest and getting to know the newest member of the fam!
Love you both!
Rebecca (Rainey) Mutz
Congratulations, guys! Benjamin looks just like dad with that hairline. Now that the real work is done, you can go about the easy task of raising 2 boys to know and love the Lord. They'll be wrestling with each other before you know it!
Gotta run to Outback...
Shane, Virginia, and our 3 boys Jordan, Shane Jr and Lance
Congrats, guys! He is beautiful!
Matt, Kelly, & Mia
Congratulations you two! He is a cutie... uh, I am sorry... he is quite handsome. Laura, get well soon.
Sam Teasley
Congrats friends!
He is a CUTIE!!
Amy Morrill
Laura & Howard,
Benjamin is so perfect...ok, we're sure he has original sin, but it's not evident in those gorgeous pics. We also loved watching the rooster and first steps video of Cooper. He is the most smiley child! His face says,"I am loved and special." Laura looks too beautiful in her c-section pics...glowing. Howard isn't beautiful, but you look 2 sons proud!!! Blessing, Julie, Damian, Matt, Sophie, Joshua and Caleb Cook.
Wow. What a beautiful, perfect baby! And Laura you look great as always- even right after delivering a baby!
We love and miss you guys,
Meagan and Chase
Congrats Crutsingers! Il bambino e bellissimo! LOVE the pix! Benjamin is adorable and you all look so wonderful and happy!
Love you all- thanks for the fabulous blog!
that last one was from John and Amy Heidmann :)
Congrats Howard and Laura!
If Benjamin turns out half as cute as Cooper, you'll have the cutest non-Chinese family around!
We are rejoicing with you!
Dan and Pat Lee
Congratulations! Our two boys have been great blessings to us, as well as refiners, and I'm sure yours will be that in your lives...all good! :) We are so happy for you. Lord bless, Teresa and Tommy Nelson
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