Cooper is doing great despite the crying, diapers and constant feedings. Mom is a bit worn out but is getting the hang of all this. I am taking her out tomorrow night on a date. Our sister-in-law, Julie Livesay, will be the heroic baby sitter! We will be celebrating Cooper's three week birthday and the official sale of our house in Atlanta! It closed finally today. Thanks for the many prayers in bringing it about!
Praise God that other closing went through!
c ya in the office...
Beautiful baby Cooper! He looks just like Laura.
So pleased that your house sold and everything is going well. Laura, the sleep thing will get better. Someday. :)
Miss ya both!
Could he be in cuter??!! Can't wait to meet the little guy! Please let me know when you make it to Houston!
Great pictures! He's so cute!
PTL about the house sale!
cooper is as bald as howard. i hope that changes! cooper is so cute. i'm praying for you guys.
Phil and I are so glad to hear that your house sold. What a relief for you! We sure wish you guys were still here in Atlanta, though. We miss y'all! Any chance of a visit up here any time? Our house is always open! Can't wait to see Cooper in person...he is so beautiful!!
Sharon and Phil
Cooper looks darling - like life outside the womb is agreeing with him!! Hope and pray ya'll are making adjustments to parenthood without too many bumps (there will always be some)!!! I just got in from A&M and sorority pref night - I worked in the kitchen - Laura's final year. Hard to believe -
We love you guys - the Houston Coopers :)
Congrats Laura, and Howie!! Heis absolutely beautiful! I am so glad that the Lord has blessed you with such a little darling!! I am glad to hear the house sold! Congrats and God Bless!
In Him,
mo <><
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