This month I've asked Daniel McKee, a recent graduate and brand new staff member with Student Venture, to share his story about why he joined our ministry and to offer any advice he would have for those still considering what to do when they graduate.
>>> It was halfway through my senior year of college and God had not made it clear where he wanted me to serve in ministry. I had known my calling to student ministry for years, but there was this thought of a ministry in my mind that I had never heard of or found within any organization. My fiancÈ (now my wife) was very involved in Campus Crusade at her college and asked me to come with her to Christmas Conference. At that conference I heard about Student Venture for the first time. As one of the Student Venture staff described the ministry to me, it was as if God said, "You know that ministry that has been in your mind for so long. I put that there. By the way, here it is."
I was blown away at the freedom within Student Venture to do student ministry and meet those kids who have never even heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is obvious within our schools that the majority of kids are on a downward spiral to further impact our immoral nation. I believe God will bring a radical revival within this generation, but it will require more laborers to reach them. In addition to God working in my heart, my fiancÈ was blown away when I asked her about going on staff. It has been an awesome ride since that day and we have truly enjoyed our journey into the Campus Crusade family.
If you are thinking about going on staff with Student Venture, I have one piece of advice: DO IT! What higher calling could there be in life, but to be a full-time minister? And what better audience to have than young people who are asking spiritual questions and waiting to be challenged? I mean our JOB is to hang out with high school students and share Christ with them all the time, while growing deeper and deeper in our own walk with Christ. What an awesome privilege! If you are concerned about raising support, let me be the first to tell you that God will meet your needs. He has blessed us and taught us to trust Him more than ever, and throughout this process we have been able to minister to so many members of our family, friends, and local community. I could tell you countless stories of God's faithfulness in meeting our needs, stories that would not have happened with any
other vocation.
I am certain that I will never regret using all of my time, energy, and talents to serve the God who entrusted me with all of those in my life. Please don't miss out on this opportunity; you can touch a high school student's life that no one else can.
Click if you'd like to find out more about the application process to become a staff member or intern. Maybe the Lord would have you join us!
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